Category: News

FORLILPSI – University of Florence in EQUAL Leadership Programme

The Department of Education, Languages, Interculture, Literatures and Psychology (identified with the acronym FORLILPSI) is an interdisciplinary department of the University of Florence (Italy) that embraces research areas ranging from educational science and psychology to languages, philology and

Fundación Ronsel in EQUAL Leadership Programme

Fundación Ronsel in EQUAL Leadership Programme

Fundación Ronsel is a beneficent and educational institution located in Galicia (Spain) focused on improve employability, fostering wage employment and supporting self-employment. They have been working for years on programs in which women are

Gaudete Foundation in EQUAL Leadership Programme

Gaudete Foundation, from Poland,  creates opportunities for the exchange of knowledge and experience between trainers, teachers and tutors in the aspect of women and adult education. Why did you join EQUAL Leadership Programme? The

Transnational Project Meeting Riga

EQUAL Leadeship Programme partners from 5 different countries (Latvia, Poland, Italy, Portugal and Spain) met in Riga on April 29th and 30th 2024 for the fourth international meeting of the project organised by the

Break Out, Break Barriers!

We present an educational game to raise awareness of the under-representation of women in political and  economic leadership positions in EU Member States. Game-based learning as a science subject has discovered that not only

Transnational Partners Meeting A Coruña

After the meetings held in Lisbon and Florence, on 13th and 14th  November 2023 the third international meeting of the EQUAL Leadership Programme took place in A Coruña (Spain), organised by Fundacion Ronsel. Delegates from 6

Transnational Meeting Florence

On the 12th and 13th of June 2023, the member entities of the EQUAL Leadership “A Drone To Promote Gender Equality on Political and Economic Decision-Making” met in Florence (Italy) to celebrate an international meeting

Kick-Off Meeting Lisbon

The launch of the project EQUAL Leadership ” A Drone to Promote Equality in Political and Economic Decision-Making” took place in Lisbon (Portugal) on the 28th and 29th of November 2022. It was organized

Equal Leadership background image

We open the Equal Leadership project website

Given that women continue to be underrepresented in decision-making positions in political and economic life in many EU Member States, the project aims to define a new strategy and the creation of new tools

FORLILPSI – University of Florence in EQUAL Leadership Programme

The Department of Education, Languages, Interculture, Literatures and Psychology (identified with the acronym FORLILPSI) is an interdisciplinary department of the University of Florence (Italy) that embraces research areas ranging from educational science and psychology to languages, philology and

Fundación Ronsel in EQUAL Leadership Programme

Fundación Ronsel in EQUAL Leadership Programme

Fundación Ronsel is a beneficent and educational institution located in Galicia (Spain) focused on improve employability, fostering wage employment and supporting self-employment. They have been working for years on programs in which women are

Gaudete Foundation in EQUAL Leadership Programme

Gaudete Foundation, from Poland,  creates opportunities for the exchange of knowledge and experience between trainers, teachers and tutors in the aspect of women and adult education. Why did you join EQUAL Leadership Programme? The

Transnational Project Meeting Riga

EQUAL Leadeship Programme partners from 5 different countries (Latvia, Poland, Italy, Portugal and Spain) met in Riga on April 29th and 30th 2024 for the fourth international meeting of the project organised by the

Break Out, Break Barriers!

We present an educational game to raise awareness of the under-representation of women in political and  economic leadership positions in EU Member States. Game-based learning as a science subject has discovered that not only

Transnational Partners Meeting A Coruña

After the meetings held in Lisbon and Florence, on 13th and 14th  November 2023 the third international meeting of the EQUAL Leadership Programme took place in A Coruña (Spain), organised by Fundacion Ronsel. Delegates from 6

Transnational Meeting Florence

On the 12th and 13th of June 2023, the member entities of the EQUAL Leadership “A Drone To Promote Gender Equality on Political and Economic Decision-Making” met in Florence (Italy) to celebrate an international meeting

Kick-Off Meeting Lisbon

The launch of the project EQUAL Leadership ” A Drone to Promote Equality in Political and Economic Decision-Making” took place in Lisbon (Portugal) on the 28th and 29th of November 2022. It was organized

Equal Leadership background image

We open the Equal Leadership project website

Given that women continue to be underrepresented in decision-making positions in political and economic life in many EU Member States, the project aims to define a new strategy and the creation of new tools


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