
Despite the fact that over the years, in most European Union countries, there has been an increase in the representation of women in political positions and in the administration and management of companies and others entities, that there is still no equality of gender, as recommended in one of the three pillars “Leading equality Throughout Society”, of the EU Gender Equality 2020-2025.

Taking this situation into account, the project presented and entitled “A Drone to Promote Equality on Political and Economic Decision Making”, aims to define a new strategy and the creation of new tools that make it possible to achieve that desideratum.

The project

The project, based on the analysis of the current situation in terms of good practices, programs and legislation, and on carrying out surveys and focus groups with target groups of the project (young people at the end of bachelor or masters’ levels, senior management in companies and public administration, members of civil society organisations, social media influencers and media analysts.

The project aims to develop a platform that includes an interactive database of all existing good practices in the different EU countries, as well as programs and legislation. This platform is the basis for carrying out awareness-raising and motivating actions among target groups and stakeholders such as employers, trade unions, policy makers, civil society organizations and research bodies, as well as mutual learning actions between stakeholders and other organisations working or interested in these issues.

Based on these actions and studies, proposals for new policies and tools will be presented that allow the promotion of equal representation of women and men in political decision making, namely equal representation of women and men in the 2024 elections to the European Parliament.

These proposal will also have an impact on the design, development and monitoring of national, regional and local policies to promote gender equality, in increasing the capacity of national, regional and local authorities, civil society organizations, namely women’s organizations and the media, to overcome still existing obstacles related to under-representation in political and economic decisions making and, finally, in the reinforcement of cooperation and information exchange between the entities, through the development of a network of entities (governments, regional and local authorities, civil society association, women’s organizations, media, and others identified during the execution of the project).

The Problem

GE's 'presented problem' is that women continue to be under-represented in decision-making positions in political and economical life in many EU Member States.

The Impact

The desired impact (change) that GE hopes to make on the issue at the end of the project is to help promote equal participation and representation of women and men in political decision-making (including equal representation of women and men and legal changes 2024 to Parliament) ; contribution to the implementation of the Commission’s Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025, in particular its objectives under the 'leading equally throughout society' pillar and to the EU's achievement of Sustainable Development Goal number five on gender equality; design, development and/or monitoring of national, regional or local policies to promote equal representation of women and men in decision-making positions and processes in politics, public debates and in management and leadership positions in the corporate sector; increase capacity of authorities, civil society and media to address the remaining obstacles related to the underrepresentation of women in all their diversity in politics, public debates and in management and leadership positions in the corporate sector, strengthened cooperation, increased networking and exchange of information between stakeholders.


The project will develop activities to enable this change focus on the Gender Equality knowledge base, namely good practices and tools in partner countries and other countries of EU; Platform design; Activities to improve new strategies and tools based on GE measures and plans with State of Art Review; Survey near target groups and employers; Focus groups with media and civil organisations; Identification of good GE practices, Mutual learning and Awareness Raising activities; Promotion of a Community Network


The outputs focus on a Platform integrating a database and an Interactive Catalogue for interventions classified as GP and Tools identification, results of awareness and mutual learning activities, promotion actions with the media and stakeholders, namely webinars and workshops, Network Community core, components of new strategies and tools


Outcomes associated with outputs include integration of good practices; GE plans with firms and administration; knowledge transfer; and definition and design of New strategies and toolkits; Guide to promote equal participation and representation of women and in political and economic decision making; Improve GE plans near the firms and administration, improved knowledge transfer of GP and Tools; definition and improvement of New strategies and new tools; Improve evaluation

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